We are Assessed on the Basis of Sustainability Goals

Sustainability is a goal we are assessed on. This is why we publish a sustainability report. In this report, we outline how we translate responsibility into action - economically, ecologically and socially. For DKB, sustainability has been a long-term process for over 30 years, which ultimately means sustainability for us as a bank.

The Sustainability Code (Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitskodex, DNK) supports us in making our sustainable performance and measures visible and in taking up further goals. It also allows us to compare ourselves with other companies. Since 2016, we have therefore been publishing our sustainability report in accordance with the DNK.

Some sustainability reports are only available in German.

Shaping digitalisation responsibly

Our sustainability approach "Blue Sustainability" links sustainability with digitalisation. To connect these areas and shape the digital transformation responsibly, we act according to the concept of Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR). It shows us how we can deal with the opportunities and challenges of digitalisation today and in the future, make a contribution to a digitally inclusive society and use digitalisation to protect our climate.

As a member of the CDR initiative of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conversation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection, we publish an annual progress report. This includes our goals and measures in five fields of action: Data handling, education, climate and resource protection, employee involvement and inclusion. This means we are also #geldverbesser in the digital world.

Corporate Digital Responsibility Bericht 2023

The CDR reports are only available in German.

You can find out more about the CDR initiative of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conversation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection here.